Mobile platforms
Many of our platforms are mobile. This has major advantages, that is that you can use the platform in multiple places and for multiple purposes. Another beneft of our mobile platforms is that you can easily store the platform in a place where it takes up little space and does not get in the way.
We have a wide range of mobile platforms, below you find some examples.
Mobile platforms
The Door entry access steps give access to the entrance of the train. The stairs are used in maintenance depots, so the engineers can safely and easily access the locomotives and carriages while performing inspections and maintenance to the train.
Mobile platforms
This mobile nose platform is specifically designed to perform maintenance to the front of the rail vehicle. For instance, for windshield maintenance or reparations. This working platform is easy to move, because of the lightweight structure (optimal mix of steel and aluminium).
Mobile platforms
Most services in rail vehicles are located withing the roof compartment of a train. Our mobile roof and side access platform have been designed to serve multiple purposes.
Mobile platforms
This is a mobile front/end train access platform for performing service or maintenance to the front of the train, with access to the windscreen area and services on the front. It can be easily moved because of the lightweight construction.